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The Data

After I gathered and processed the data, it produced several important scientific results. From the qualitative point of view, I was able to visually depict how attraction works and from the quantitative perspective I could see scientifically why I cannot dismiss the qualitative results as anomalies.

I could also understand why astrology was rejected by the establishment in 1666. Back then and even today the horoscope is seen as a fixed and fated entity. These experiments have revealed that it moves. Effectively we have shown that people change and so do horoscopes. 

In the picture below, we can see how a progressed Sun - progressed Venus (120-degree) trine aspect develops during the relationship of Prince Charles and Diana Princess of Wales. This was one of the first 'collision charts' created and gave us a qualitative case for astrology as the aspect is inside two degrees for the duration of the marriage (1981-1996). There are more examples in Some Classic Collisions (see menu bar). It is important to note that this picture and another like it was revealed by following the scientific method.

I noted that progressed Sun progressed Venus trines were common. I then looked at the 1981 position, the 1986 position, and the 1995 position of the aspect and it suggested a swooping V shape. I did the same with another case, that of Bob Geldof and Paula Yates, and noted the same swoop, but in their case the aspect did not become exact and suggested a U shape. This is when I started to create graphs to see the aspect develop over time. As these cases were chosen because the aspect set was common (i.e. there were more of this type of progressed aspect style than any other even in the early data), it was revealed by following the scientific method. So this picture can lay claim to being one of the first astrological artifacts revealed by science.


Set out in the table below are the results of the progressed and natal synastry aspect calculations for 1,300 relationships at 2° 01” in 2005. Expected results are derived from the control of 2.6 million non-relationships.

The table below shows the results of the SUN-VENUS progressed and natal synastry aspect calculations for 1,300 relationships at 2° 01” in 2005. Expected results are derived from the control of 2.6 million non-relationships. Aspects included are conjunction, trine, and opposition:

Global Chi-Square Value is 2.55E-14 (p<.0001)

The table below shows the results of the SUN-VENUS progressed and natal synastry aspect calculations for 1,300 relationships at 2° 01” in 2019. Expected results are derived from the control of 2.6 million non-relationships. Aspects included are conjunction, trine, and opposition:

Global Chi-Square Value is 4.76E-11 (p<.0001)

The table below shows the results of the other SUN-VENUS aspects (semi-sextile, sextile, quintile, square and quincunx) measured in 2019

Global Chi-Square Value  is 0.00295

The table below shows the combined 2005 and 2019 results for SUN-VENUS conjunction, trine and opposition:

Global Chi-Square Value is 7.16e-25 (p<0.0001)

These results were peer reviewed and published in Correlation Vol 33 (2) in April 2021

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